Friday, June 03, 2005

living in the big city

that's right, little ol' kelly peach from bellingham is moving on up. just arrived in berkeley on wednesday night for my huge summer of fun (and work, in the uc berkeley chemistry lab, yes!). when i was picked up by my housemates they announced that another housemate offered us all free dinner, and since i was really sick of airplane peanuts it sounded like the most fabulous idea on the planet. the food was amazing (and wicked expensive, thanks sooo much tim), and i got to chill with the girls that i have only talked to over email previously. they are all very friendly, and really fancy. i feel like a hick, which i never thought i'd say. i spent the next day wandering around the south side of berkeley. i didn't have any destination in mind, but i still felt lost. i just walked and walked and walked. i finally found the center of campus, and bought a map (a complete necessity). on my way home i crossed the street onto telegraph from campus and there was an american apparel, which doesn't bode well for the survival of my stipend. it was fun, but by the end of the day i was super tired. i met CJ who is a little more my speed, and we went out to sushi. he is a bio major that graduated from berkeley a year ago, and is waiting to head off to grad school.

so, this morning i was cooking french toast and looked outside to see two crazies fighting over the trash that the last residents of the house had left behind. there have been a ton of nutso homeless folks yelling crazy monologues to themselves outside our house. it makes me a little more cautious about locking the door to our house, but i am sure i will get used to it.

anyhow, life is good. i am dirt poor, but that will be okay for a little while. lebn, sarah b., and jenny are heading down to pick me up tonight. we are driving down to ben's graduation shindig in big sur. i am pretty positive that it will be fantastic. everyone that i tell down here is always ohhing and ahhing the place, so i can't wait!

i'm so excited and the summer has just started!

only thing i am missing: a bicycle

here is an ode to my bike


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