Wednesday, May 25, 2005

reading for pleasure...weird

oh man, not having a million obligations jam packed into a day is lovely. yesterday was "the exercise day". i ran good ol' lake padden, played by far the most intense double pickleball match of all time against the sehome tennis coach (Giller, who is a professional badminton player and as crazy as that sounds is about as crazy as she really is), and walked around the lake. this may not seem like a lot of you, but i am a pretty lazy kid in school. the extent of my exercise consists of a little bouldering and 45 minutes of aerobics every other day. i was exhausted. i went to bed at 10:30 and woke up at 12:45. a record for sure. then i built a beautiful omelet and chilled out until 2. next you ask? sunbathing and reading on the deck. it was a strenuous day, i know. tv is a horrible, horrible thing. it's as addicting as heroin, i could watch that shit everyday. i can't wait to get away from it. but, it's fun to see the fam. maggie and i are going to attempt to run again today. if i don't go i fear that i will be perpetually sore from yesterday.

now for some fun quotes (yes!)

#1: dedicated to she who shall not be named. you know who you are.

Sometimes being a bitch is all a woman has left to hold on to.

Dolores Claiborne

#2 dedicated to Allison Calhoun. you gots to love richard feynman.

If in some catalysm, all of scientific knowledge were to be destroyed, and only one sentence passed on to the next generation of creatures, what statement would contain the most information in the fewest words?
Everything is made of atoms.

Richard Feynman


At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like a nice day! things here are equally relaxed... movies, eating, and talking with allison. i've actually started some research too... okay, fun stuff. reading is good. lebn is on his way.


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