Sunday, May 08, 2005


so, megan murray has a fantastic idea. she made a pact to write to this silly thing called a blog every 1-3 days. that way it won't get all boring and lame. i have tried to steal this idea.

funny thing for the day:

i found this on some blog in another language when i searched for "zit". I was actually searching for zits, the comic, but i clicked enter too quick.

anyhow, i am currently attempting to create a paper for my drugs course. the material is really neat. peyote is the subject, and let me tell you people are crazy. it cracks me up that some drugs just randomly got put in the Schedule I category (a drug of this Schedule is characterized as having no medical utility and high potential for abuse). LSD is there too. It makes me laugh because OBVIOUSLY acid and other hallucinogens don't have a high potential for abuse. no one uses peyote everyday and if they do, that is a little crazy. white people are crazy too. the arguement for why local indian tribes shouldn't use peyote is that it is "interfering quite seriously with the work of missionaries." Another quotation along the same lines, "The Sabbath is the principal day for our preaching services and if the Indians are first made drunk on mescal [peyote] they cannot then be benefitted by the gospel."

here is a picture of one of these cute little peyote buttons:


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