Friday, December 02, 2005

orals in t- 45 min.

well, i finally fell asleep last night, after contemplating which sleeping orientation was really the most comfortable for about 1 hour. however, it snowed yesterday, which was a really fabulous treat. even though my stomach ached all day. i tried to neutralize the butterflies, but my most enthusiastic, carefree thoughts did nothing to mellow out my body. i am looking forward to being able to sit and recognize that i don't need to be studying. that it is okay to relax. ah, tonight will be awesome. what to do for the next 45 minutes: zen time. most difficult zen time to achieve ever!

yikes. i'll be fine. doesn't matter, i am still anxious. yuck.


At 6:45 PM, Blogger Lyndsay said...

Yea! Congratulations again, Kelly. We all knew that you would rock your orals. I think that outdoor chemistry explosions should follow every successful orals completion from here on out.

At 11:01 AM, Blogger ateqah said...

how did they go!? amazing, i am sure!!!!


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