Monday, June 06, 2005

Big Sur: the most beautiful place on earth

last weekend i was around the big sur area for my housemate, ben's, graduation party for all the seniors that he knows (most of which i know and am really close with). turns out he lives in the most breathtaking place i've ever seen. he is actually located between carmel and big sur on a huge chunk of property. his and the surrounding property is all under a land trust that is designed to protect the area from growth. there are a bunch of stipulations that limit the development in the area (for example, only one, small structure can be built for every 20 acres). anyhow, i will let the pictures do the rest of the talking...

this is the super mondo and incredibly heavy door to ben's house. so cool. felt like you were entering a hobbit home.

we all ate breakfast looking out at this amazing landscape. it was hard to remember to eat because of how captivating the view was.

maia lived 30 minutes north of ben and this is her view.

what a faded bunch of badasses. good times.


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