Monday, July 30, 2007

back in action

holy moly, my life is so funny these days. as many of you know i like making split second decisions when it comes to big life choices. this tendency was curbed throughout college because i was on a nice school track that imposed a good amount of structure to my madness. i could only push so far until to the institution pushed back. now, however, since i've graduated it's been total pandemonium.

here's some examples for a frame of reference:
i put on a crazy four day free fun festival during which i simply didn't sleep. each week i fly around this city on my bicycle fluttering from one wacky event to another, trying to fit something into all the space alloted to me. i also tend to spend all my money rather frivolously on fun things/food/entertainment that makes me and other people happy simply because i feel like to and think saving money is silly (for me). i decided to go to costa rica for a month on a whim. i decided to enroll in graduate school at uc santa cruz on a whim. i skip out of town for insane bicycle events a lot. if not bike events, i'll skip out of town for something else as equally ludicrous. i spend a lot of time at work trying to reorganize my schedule and drop shifts to accommodate fun, rather than working, like you are supposed to when you have a job...

bottom line for me is that NOTHING is set in stone. thus, i am writing to announce that i indeed changed my mind again. i simply can't miss burning man, so despite how insane it's going to make things i will be heading down to black rock city at the end of the summer to attend yet another crazy 8 days in the desert.

the reason this year is particularly insane is because i am planning on simultaneously moving to santa cruz. so, i'm going to bring all my essential belongings with me down to burning man and then hope and pray someone there will be interested in toting me and my things with them back to santa cruz after the man burns. woah. i hope that works... there is a little more organization involved. i've sort of talked to a friend in santa cruz who thinks he may know friends that may have space on the way home, but using burning man as a mode of moving is still totally absurd.

ah, for some reason the madness is strangely comforting. i love living everyday of my life like it's an adventure. routine is nice and comfortable, but mayhem is somehow more my style these days.

hooray for fun. hooray for summer. okay, i'm off to work...hehe.

costa rica and nicaragua pictures on the way!!!


At 3:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey... This is crazy but my name is Kelly Peach too!! I am from Baltimore and saw this page with my name (and yours) I just had to tell you! Didnt ever think there could be two Kelly Peaches in the world :) Well take care!! :)


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