Heteronuclear Multiple Bond Correlations
so, i am officially a slave to chemistry. when i'm not making slides for my seminar on biaryl synthesis i'm working up 2D NMR data. for our assignments we are given the structure of some freaky poisonous natural product (this week it's a gnarly rat poisoning!), and have to assign all the peaks and correlations. laura and i almost had a communal mental breakdown, but we used out sudoko focusing power and BUSTED through the barrier. safe to say we didn't finish, but we made some phat progress. PHAT!
here are my notes from my structure elucidation class. i'm so glad i sewed my new pen pouch; i never would have been packing the color diversity required to illustrate these correlations otherwise!
well, it's 6:30pm, since i got here at 7:45am it's about time to leave campus and start working on chemistry somewhere else. man i sure am HAPPY! not one irritated, burnt out, sleep deprived, overwhelmed, fun deprived, or anxious bone in my whole fucking body.
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