Wednesday, June 22, 2005

PC's are shitty

oh man guys. i am stuck in a pc world. i suppose i always will, if i stay in chemistry that is. everyone here uses pcs because ALL the instrument software is designed for pcs. supposedly only one science lab on campus is mostly macs. which wouldn't seem that bad to a whittie, but there are five chemistry buildings, so that is nothing. these machines are just stupid though. i was almost free of them. i flashed my beautiful little powerbook and enrique carted off the big ugly pc desktop, but it turns out that i need an only pc program to analyze all the data from the light scattering instrument. shitty. it's not that the thing is slow, it just appears to be designed really poorly. the organization of files sucks. it's horrible. also, today i tried to open a file and this was the response:

"cannot open file - strange, this should never happen?!"

what the hell. fuck you mister computer. don't say strange to me you asshole. it's early and i hate data analysis (or processing numbers for hours on end in front of a big ugly desktop), so don't mess with me!!!!


there you go tony.

more light hearted email later, when i am not on the sub bottom floor surrounded by foot wide cement walls. you know you are in trouble when your lab is on the same floor as the NMR.

on the elevator it's button is D, for dungeon.


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