Sunday, November 08, 2009

personal wisdom that gets me through the day.

i've decided that it doesn't matter what you do with you life everyday as long as you make sure that what you choose to do is hard. challenging is really a better word. it's particularly rewarding when you like the challenging activity you do. like bike riding. if you go on huge, serious bike rides that wears you out that is awesome. if you choose easy rides you know you can do without much of a challenge, that's lame.

the reason challenge is important is because challenge is growth. the more challenging things you take on in a day the more you will grow. it's nice when you really like the tasks. like i would love to go on more hard bike rides over working in the lab. but, even the shitty hard things you have to do in a day force you to grow.

so, even if graduate school makes me crazy and unbalanced. i am still learning a shitload about science and chemistry. my brain works so hard trying to untangle all the insane transition states and stereochemical outcomes of these reactions, and this is great. even if it sucks, i am expanding my understanding and capability to take on and conquer complex questions. yeah.

now, everytime i think 'this sucks'. i am going to try and think, 'at least i am growing.'



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