Tuesday, July 12, 2005


the list of all the opportunities that will pass me by if i decide to go to graduate school...

1. hike the PCT*
2. join a fire troupe
3. ride the green tortoise somewhere great, anywhere really
4. WWOOF** in new zealand (i'm already registered!)
5. go to the EJC***
6. travel europe juggling, spinning, playing music
7. learn to play an instrument
8. sell my art
9. execute an art exchange through the mail with someone i don't know, who lives across the country
10. spend some time at belly acres (juggling commune located in/on hawaii)
11. learn a lot about bikes (how to fix them, alter them, weld them, create them from spare parts)
12. spend at least two months living in spain

*pacific crest trail
**willing workers on organic farms
***european juggling convention, think 2,500 to 4,500 juggling people in one place for an entire week


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