Thursday, June 30, 2005


so, my new game that i have been working on lately goes like this:

it turns out that it is really hard for me to generate a completely random and weird thought or object at any given time. the reason this all came about is because the type-writer man (guy who sits on telegraph and writes me poems about anything i want) is a super cool dude. really creative. his poems are so odd-ball and amazing at the same time and i envy his talent. i feel like a lame-o whenever i see him because i can't generate random and neat things that he could write about. i always try and look around to see if there is anything interesting near-by that i could steal for my poem. or, i try and think about something in the context of my day that would be interesting in a poem. i wish i could just make craziness pop out of nowhere. that would be awesome. so, from now on i am going to title my posts with the most random thing that comes to mind. hopefully it will have no context and will be entertaining. and hopefully, someday, i will become a random word generator!

end of game plan.

so, i have been exploring the world of html lately, and it's frighteningly addicting. i spent WAY too much time messing with it the first few days i discovered online tutorials, but i have been able to distance myself more lately. i just like making things look pretty and organized. i think that my artistic withdrawals are quenched a bit by web design, just because it is a type of design and you have to make decisions a lot and put things in fun places. good times. it's a little frustrating working on it at home because i am "borrowing or sharing" the internet there and it's often too slow for my taste. i guess you can't be picky when you are in my position.

so, creeper 37-year old housemate moved out yesterday! hoorah! however, rent is due today and i am nothing but bitter.

lots of exciting events in the near future. i'll update as they come and go.

okay, getting boring fast!

bye bye


At 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I do is have a few go-to random words - like "spoon" or "chandalier" or "exreme atrophy." I'll still try to think of new things on the spot, but if that doesn't happen in 3-5 seconds I go to one of the stand-bys. Anyhowdy, what are you doing on Fireworks Day?


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