Monday, July 18, 2005

done with random words, i like titles better. so this title is "COOKING MANIA"

this weekend was jam packed with lots of fire festival fun. saturday night i volunteered from 7-10 and ended up staying until the end of the night. i got home at 2:30 in the morning, which is really late for a tired girl like me. plus, it was probably the most intense and over-stimulating place i have ever been. the stage music was incredibly loud. there were little bugs making popping sounds that resembled a car backfiring all night long. there was a huge stovepipe looking item that made a high pitched hissing sound when it went off. and general fire sounds, of course. at one point i got a little freaked out and claustrophobic. for the most part, it was a phenomenal display. the fire performances were neat. it's interesting to see performers because they don't concentrate on spinning as much as their overall presentation. i suppose most people don't care that much about the moves, but that was a little frustrating to me.

anyhow, sunday was my mellow out day. i finished "the magic furnace", finally. it was really interesting, but at the end it got a little silly. it was like reading a timeline of events, rather than a detailed history. but, it was a rather short book, and the writing was still good. it's nice to get away from chemistry though. i stopped half-way through "stranger in a strange land" last winter break, and i am going to try and finish that book up. fiction is fun.

the finale to my day of relaxation was a lovely dinner. i made a vegetarian chili with the following recipe. it was super tasty and so quick! i subtracted an onion (because i didn't have a big enough pot!), added a little more chili powder, cumin, and cayenne pepper, and i added a little more water. it was spicy for me, so most of you will probably want to double the spices. the bulgar soaks up a lot of the water, and since you don't add much to start with it's a super thick and hearty dinner.

yup. also cooked almond recipe.




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