Wednesday, July 13, 2005


i attended fire safety training at the crucible today. it was really neat. the information wasn't new of different, but i am so excited about the fire festival. i am volunteering as a fire safety person on saturday, for those that i haven't spoken to already. i can't wait to be a part of this giant production. because i have previous experience with spinning fire, i get to spend my time around the stage helping the fire performers (the other posts consist of keeping people away from flaming sculptures...yikes). i can't wait to meet these people and become part of the fire community. i was so excited on the way home, it felt like my heart was going to beat it's way out of my chest. more exciting stories to come!

so, i have decided to keep that list of great things/dreams/goals that graduate school will crush going. it will probably be a part of many of the posts to don't be confused by random numbered things.

13. learn to sail well (eventual goal: to use a spinnaker)
14. ride a bike across a country (united states isn't in the running)


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