so, everyone has left to fun and freezing places across the country to visit family or go rock climbing (last year it snowed a foot, but that won't stop those nuts, they're climb-crasee.) anyhow, last night was the first official juggling club show of the year. it was a raging success. we did a glow bit with glow balls and glow balls stuffed in fishnet stocking (poi), which worked out shockingly well. besides nervous jitters everything was brilliant. haakon chose a giant for the "bucket-over-the-head-knife-passing" shtick, and the guy was so huge that when he tried to throw the first pass around him he missed and a knife went barreling into the wall, a few inches from a nice looking girls face. it was funny after everyone realized that he had missed her, but i held my breath for the rest of the bit. cooley is a hilarious clown. at one point he poured bottled water over an umbrella, while hiding underneath from the "rain" it produced. if that makes sense...
anyhow, all of you guys out there should leave some comments because i bet this solidarity is going to quickly crumble into a pile of lonesome rubble.
well, back to studying for orals. maybe i'll take a trip to the local coffee joint soon to mix up the scenery. it's funny to be anonymous again on a campus of 1500 people in a city of a meager 30,000 people.