Tuesday, June 30, 2009

dreamland is INSANE lately

each day this week i've been arriving late (well, later than usual) to work, and i have to blame it on my dreams. they have been totally wacky:

on sunday, i dreamt of awesome all-nite partying in pdx with my favorite people, followed by a very stressful attempt to not miss my plane back to california.

on monday, i dreamt i was riding the rails with my high school crush in another country, immediately followed by being in pdx yet again, having missed my plane flight back to california.

today, i dreamt i was running away from a t-rex with the remaining pdx friends i had that hadn't been eaten, followed by completely missing my plane flight back to california.

one thing is for sure, i apparently was meant to miss my flight from pdx back down to california.

that feeling of being late for a flight makes me so sick, and i can't stop it from capping every dream session. how will i escape this subconscious madness!?!

ideas welcome.

Monday, June 29, 2009

my first tattoo, still in design stages!

color science tattoo
Originally uploaded by kellypeach
check it out, a fancy artist rendering of the tattoo i intend to get. since, i've decided to stay at ucsc and get a ph.d. i want to make sure i never take myself too seriously. thus, this tattoo is perfect. plus, i am a total science geek and this is the perfect goofy tattoo to reflect that. oh man, i am SUPER STOKED.

tell me what you guys think. i am sure it won't look exactly like this, but any suggestions are welcome!

ps. i am 100% positive i'm getting this tattoo, so no naysayer comments. how could i not!?! it's so fucking awesome!

Saturday, June 06, 2009

this is where i work

in a hood with a crazy argon manifold. i am pretty excited about the new set-up, but pretty bummed that none of the chemistry i've attempted in said new hood seems to be working. that's chemistry for ya i suppose.

back to work!

Monday, June 01, 2009

things that i like today

things i like today:

that i live in the bay area, and thus got to attend the maker's faire yesterday
rube goldberg machines
engineering pop-ups
inquiry based learning
all the fun chemistry i'm participating in (it's working today!)
being confident i will ride my bicycle up the huge hill to work everyday
the quarter ending!
long, sunny summer evenings
that i am heading up to pdx for pedalpalooza in less than 2 weeks
that i don't have to TA all summer
that i will be recieving non-stop hugs from all my favorites super soon
that i am going to get a ph.d.
smiles from fellow cyclists commuting to work
pay day!
the cute boy that makes me smile these days

that's it!