Sunday, June 08, 2008

final draft of paper = done
cave rave = glorious out-of-control fun
post-party headache = raging
inorganic hw = more than half-way
presentation for final tomorrow = not started
frustration level = mediocre
timbaland album = bumpin' (HA)
mikey millz = still missing from sc
my portland anticipation = bursting from the seams
lulu's coffee shop = satisfying and motivating
my interest in taking finals all next week = nonexistent

friday seems leagues away, but it will be glorious!

Saturday, June 07, 2008


baldy beardos!

good morning saturday!


what's crazier is the fact that i've been up since 6:45. take that people. i've even started settling into paper writing at this point. i'm doing school work before 9 am on a saturday morning. i feel insane. it's all worth it though because tonight will be glorious, glorious silly drunken debauchery. i'm attending a 'cave rave', yes, a party in a cave 40 ft. under ground. should be a blast. i have got to finish this 8 page, single spaced, 11 pt. font, 1 in margins, with 10 references auxiliary to the references in the original science article.
how's that for shitty?
i have to remember that finals will be done in the blink of an eye and i will be whisked off to portland for a full week of bicycle fun for pedalpalooza!!!! yippee!

as you may have guessed, i'm at lulu's the only coffee shop worth beans (ha!) in santa cruz, and the crowd is delicious. all older folks chillin' and reading the paper. talking about afternoon plans, and generally waking up. this rad lipsticked fancy old lady just cleared her throat in the most elaborate and revolting manner i've seen in a long time in public, and that is awesome and totally allowed because it's goddamn 8:30 am, and no one should be feeling that stellar this early.

hoo haa!

i will slay this paper!