1. helped build a cob bedroom. who knew that sand, clay, straw, and water could build a super solid wall. not i.
2. rode with a trailer full of chicken wire from the dirty dirty se to north ne. my legs hurt really bad and it was really late...shut up.
3. finished my bike wheel chandy in the yurt. fucking stylish.
4. ate awesome yam and onion stir-fry for dinner. thank god for soyaki.
5. rocked out to a rad bicycle rock song while making dinner.
6. planted nasturtiums and arugula starts in a recycled egg container.
7. visited my 'new' library in n. portland, way better than the stinky ol' sterile library on belmont (se).
8. got a new job: i will be the book store manager for the international animation festival in portland this summer. $15 an hour baby.
9. checked out more zines...damn addictions.
10. finished my adorable bike prom dress. watch out canada, we're coming your way. more hot women and dudes than you will ever be able to contain.
11. put down plastic and cardboard flooring. reuse is the best!
12. i'm heading off to a rad pdx film fest right now!
kelly peach