so, i know i suck at this blogging thing lately, but today i was inspired to return to the world wide web to share my funny life.
yesterday i tore a frozen sponge to pieces and submerged it in methanol. it smells like the ocean. dying. i even found a teensy baby brittle star clinging with it's dead arms to the crinkly surface of the sponge. the methanol is going to extract all the interesting chemicals inside and make them easily accessible. pretty cool.
lily is a friend of mine who has a fun list she completes on the internet each day. i thought that was a cool idea. so, here's my version:
did kelly ride all the way up to campus today? yes
if no did she get halfway?
health: 7 (i've been unexplainably phlegmy lately)
happiness: 4 (going to portland drug up my previous santa cruz melancholy)
# yoga poses completed: 0
# of liters water drunk: 1.4
servings vegetables: 2
i miss the shit out of portland. being in santa cruz sometimes feels like tearing out my insides one organ at a time. i am trying a new moral boosting plan to solve this indifference though. i'm going to draw and do art projects all the fucking time. no more shitty online television (damn you internet!!!). no more useless drinking. i am a mail art machine. i will craft away my sadness. you just watch. maybe you'll be a lucky victim of my crafty rampage. check your mailboxes people, i'm going nuts!
love to all the people who are my friends and read my blog. in particular, I LOVE YOU TONY! i miss you a whole bunch and know i'll make it up to seattle sometime soon to cook you breakfast ungodly early and convince you i'm still a viable friend. not just a barrage of angsty phone calls.