frogs make the greatest sounds right before you are going to bed. i went home the other day (again, think kelly language, this could be a year ago, a month again, or a week ago) and i forgot all about how fantastic little croaky frogs are. i slept with a big face smile across my face. now, i am back in walla walla and no frogs are around. it is a bummer. but, you know what they say, with frogs comes mold, and with mold comes sneezes.
and with that i want to take a moment to say a few words, a shout out, to my friends back in bellingham:
so, i participated in beer mile yesterday. i was searching for a great and scandelous outfit to run the four laps because straight up naked just seems boring. however, i couldn't really think of anything and was beginning to lose hope. THEN out of nowhere bridget says she is going to run with suspenders. it's brilliant and i snatched up the plan like candy flying out of a recently burst pinata (insert tilde above the n). Everything was a go, ductape was put in the appropriate places, rainbow suspenders were pinned to my underwear, and alcohol was digesting in the appropriate location. Devon was sporting a tie dye full body suit, and tony was working three plastic safeway bags. we were off.
i didn't think about the running part that much, so i didn't realize the EXTREME amount of chafing that my poor fragile nipples had underwent until the next morning. bad freaking news. it kinda ruined the glory. but, whatever, i won't make the same mistakes next year, and that is what really counts. i am in college to learn right, well there was a lesson i will remember for years to come.
frogs and boobs, it doesn't get much better than that.